Wednesday, June 1

Piano, piano. Com sé dizz lentamiente?

Razão pela qual nos doem as mãos, que neste preciso momento mal as consigo fechar e estão inchadas--

"How to make the nôde" - isto é um tecido que temos de abrir e dar nós de modo com que fique com este efeito de teia

Cordas que rebentaram - que quase mandaram um dos italianos a voar para o país dele, tipo fisga (eu não vi esta parte, mas imagino que foi assim que aconteceu--)

engole o café!

faltou mencionar a Ali, LOL. Isto era como a teia estava ontem. Bonita não é? excepto a qualidade das fotos. nem estão assim tão más--

"make the nôde"

sabem aquela sensação de chegarmos a casa e termos uma música na cabeça, mesmo que não tenhamos estado a ouvir música o dia todo? Pois bem, a mim não é a música que ressoa nos meus ouvidos mas sim pessoas a falar italiano. Cheguei ontem à noite a casa, tudo em silêncio e eu continuava a ouvir italiano. What right!?=
Contexto: tenho, TEmos estado, a montar uma teia gigante, amarela, na praça do rossio.
Tema: festas de Lisboa.
Causa dos delirios: quem "manda" naquilo é Donato Sartori, auxiliado da mulher, filha e outros amigos, tudo Italiano.
Delirios? : sim, desde segunda feira que isto tem estado a acontecer, a montagem da teia digo, onde no primeiro dia montamos uma parte da teia três vezes que desmanchámos de seguida (duas eram teste). a trabalhar das nove e meia da manhã (meio-dia) até à dez (talvez antes) a montar cordas nas árvores, pendurada em escadotes a quatro metros do chão :D . segundo dia (ontem): montámos metade da praça em teia e estavamos tão contentes quando rebenta uma corda. depois outra. Substituímos as cordas e fomos jantar. Rebentaram de novo. Desfizemos tudo. Agora nem um quarto da praça tem teia. Hoje: vou para lá agora até à uma da manhã com esperanças de ter aquilo pronto às nove (dúvida gigante mesmo!!).
Dores: em tudo quanto é pernas, pés, mãos, MÃOS, braços e cara. Bonito não é, logo à noite se vê se compensou, ou não :S

Saturday, May 28

eighteen equals 6pm--

more stuff

seventeen? yeah, right!


Friday, May 20


Just "finished" another 3D Studio Max modeling. This one is suppose to be a sea horse. Assembled only with video cameras and punchers pieces. The hard part was not creating those pieces, was using nurms (google it) on a piece that was suppose to be flat. And even more difficult was connecting all those pieces with nurms [mas é tudo uma questão de forças, meus caros].Two of them are not connect, but let's just all pretend they are. Crazy week, even crazier week to come. Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, May 18

sweet sixteen, not that sweet--

aiming for the future, not knowing where it leads nor what it bring. To sum up, it's a shot in the dark. But doesn't matter, trying is always better than not trying, just go for it, like, yesterday please--

fifteen puzzle--

That awkward moment when-- someone that you don't know starts talking to you, out of the blue, and you just want them to shut up. Well, just be nice, like T's ten page book that is yet to be published says, karma's a bitch-

Monday, May 16

You're like fourteen, he said--

May 16th: He died--
The page was still wet when I grabbed it, like she was crying when writing it. He looked around searching for her, but it was too late. He gasped, there was a note on the table and it could read "I'm sorry, it's too painful". A tear rolled down his face, she was already gone--
Diaries, journals, same thing. I received a diary once, don't quite know how long ago, and I just came across it today. It's blank. There's nothing there. But-- I remember that when I received it, someone told me it should be written on every day, and it should contain the good and the bad moments of that same day. Even though it's blank I know it had something written, from when I was about nine, it said--

Sunday, May 8

yesterday wasn't friday the 13th--

Between all these keys how do I know which one belongs to your heart? Oh, right, I forgot I already have a copy of that one in my key-chain. Sorry to have bothered you-- goodbye now.

Thursday, May 5

You bug me

Por tanto, quando se descobre que estamos a fazer um exercício mal praticamente desde o inicio a coisa mais acertada é recomeçar de novo, até porque deve dar menos trabalho do que estar constantemente a arranjar o que nunca irá ter arranjo, mas há quem goste de desafios, e de aparar "rabos", e dizer que erros são bugs, e deixar as coisas andarem mal-- porque pensava que o objectivo era fazer renderings. WRONG! Apresento-vos o Bug, the fish.

É bonito não é? Pois é-- mas só nestas posições. FACE! (desculpem). Não, agora a sério, o peixe ficou mesmo brutal, o pior é que o stor se vai passar quando vir a porcaria que para lá fizemos. Ah, e ainda por cima foi feito a partir de uma-espécie-de-tutorial-slash-exercio-com-todos-os-passinhos-a-fazer. Plataforma: 3D Studio Max, e o Bug-gy é um peixe bué bonito. (btw, bué já é escrito com u!) LOL

Wednesday, May 4

half a day it's pretty rough-- 12H

How can you not love the city!? Impossible.

the eleventh hour--

I hate when stupid networks cancels series with such potential. Just hate it. Saw the last of What About Brian today, I want more :S
and it doesn't matter if you're Adam, Alaric, Ernesto, Matt, Matthew, whatever, you're always amazing (actor tété, actor! amazing actor!!)

Monday, May 2

I wanna travel on I-10 this summer--

Just finished this new draw. I actually think it's not THAT bad. So, it's not really the tenth page but, whatever, just felt like sharing it. XO my good people

Sunday, May 1

revolution nine--

What are you keeping from me, he asked. "I shouldn't-- ok, I'll tell you, but only if you promise not to tell anyone", she begged, "or laugh" she added. Smiling, he turns to her and says, my love, I'll take your secret to the grave. She was relived, until he finished the sentence "--but laughter is an uncontrollable bodily response".

eight times sixty five is--

Six episodes in a row, all from different series and, of course, I saved the best for last. I really should start making some more "doodles", shouldn't I? and practice a (lot) more on face sketches-- I know.

palavra da noite: Rrraaauuu.

Saturday, April 30

seven's a lucky number-- right?

Home after an amazing concert: stomp. Here's what I was working on all morning, and a couple days before that. Goal: to create an image with nothing more than just lines (and then to color it). Simple right? No. The original (image) is from the photographer Alan Sailer.

Friday, April 29

oh my, what a six pack--

scratch the last (the one before that) post-- who can resist that little birdie who's so cute-- and blue btw, which is awesome! Who said smartphones are not as good as iphones? it was me-- BUT, I was wrong, you see, now I already have two social network apps on my cute little phone which I will start using as soon as I can get free internet wherever, whenever (that with some luck, it'll be tomorrow). Ah, take that!

Wednesday, April 27

ifive y'all--

The human body has about seventy two percent of water. In order to become more biological, your body must have ninety percent of water. And that's how you can become more biological in life, or something like that.

better make it four--

I would create a twitter account if I only could get free wi-fi wherever, whenever, but unfortunately, a smartphone is not an iphone. kiss kiss bang bang

Tuesday, April 26

even with three--

new, not that new nor bad, band: ipony. they couldn't find a better name I'm guessing. and yes, I believe the term you were looking for is omg.

Monday, April 25


It's not the best page yet, but I guess it's OK enough

Sunday, April 24

I said one--

I'm suppose to have 120 pages done by the end of the semester-- so I've decided to post every two pages whenever I complete them. Here's the first two (it's actually page four and five, but the first three aren't that great--)

Thursday, February 24

Très "Jelly"

Jelly Beans are "delishus" and the word reminds me of the coolest animals on earth: jellyfishes. Then I thought of squids, that are kind'a like jellyfishes. Fish, what can you do ;D

Tuesday, February 15

Between Semesters

Three weeks have already passed by, two more to go. In the meanwhile I've done nothing but watch a couple movies, this and that, and Lie to Me.

Saturday, January 22


Just for fun, got into this contest, didn't do much, but really enjoy seeing my work, "work", on this website from Rocco. He knows what he's talking about: "Andreia went for Powerful Peter action, which anyone can appreciate. I particularly like the little amber orb and the red/blue touch".
I want more :D

Thursday, January 20

Somewhere in South America

Off the Map:
—What is that?
— That's my chicken
— It's eating all my cereal!
— She's not an it. She has a name. Her name is dinner.
(último trabalho do semestre)

Saturday, January 15

Last Night

one hour, same music playing over and over again, nineteen draws, one thought.

Friday, January 14

I Will Fight You 'till the End

Don't ever give up, no matter how many nightmares you see straight ahead. Fight them. Win. We believe (zoom in if you may)

Thursday, January 13

Like a Brainiac

I'm addicted to series as drug addicts are addicted to drugs. the more you have the more you want to have. it's not healthy but i try not to be that much dependent. The good thing is that my memory is huge, like huge: I know the name of all 47 series that I watch and the names of the caracthers and sometimes their real names. But I don't live only for series, I also like games so that I can set a new high score; brain teasers; a good match; puzzles and retro things that are really cool; so I gave this to my brother today for his birthday :D . How cool is this, han?

Sunday, January 9

DIA 365:
best of, adoro as palavras best of :) .
pois bem, faz hoje 365 dias (aka um ano) que venho a este site todos os dias para dizer o que aconteceu, o que penso, ou simplesmente algo para não deixar um dia em branco. nem sempre correu bem, há aí uma falta de duas semanas de posts que não foram deixados de propósito, simplesmente não sabia o que mais inventar. tendo tudo em conta foi um ano bom, razoável que seja, podia ter sido melhor, passou. a minha obrigação mental de vir cá todos os dias foi hoje liberta, agora não vou dizer até amanhã, mas sim até breve. hasta x.

Saturday, January 8

DIA 364:
e se o animal fosse uma alface? e se o animal fosse carne? whaaaat??
ps. ainda estás viva daniela? daniela?

Friday, January 7

DIA 363:
Hot Tub Time Machine. é tão parvo ver como as pessoas interpretam o conceito de espaço/tempo, parvo, ridiculo, absurdo, you name it.

Thursday, January 6

DIA 362:
Papa Sangre: que jogo mais fixe de sempre. só pelo que ouvimos criamos imagens na nossa cabeça, o que se passa num jogo sem som. é como imaginar alguém que está a falar connosco enquanto estamos de olhos fechados. é um mundo imaginário, inexplorado, brutal :)

Wednesday, January 5

DIA 361:
Star Trek 11. não sei quantas vezes já vi ou simplesmente ouvi este filme, é dos únicos que vejo e re-vejo; todos os outros são um desperdício de tempo re-ver.
Young spock, young sylar (Zachary Quinto)

Tuesday, January 4

DIA 360:
Superbad. "cerca de mil pássaros e cem mil peixes de uma só espécie morreram inesperadamente no estado do Arkansas, Estados Unidos". Com esta noticia só me consigo rir e pensar em FlashForward. Agora querem que o público pense que morreram de susto com o fogo de artificio da passagem de ano, ou então morreram com o granizo. Por favor, que ridículo --' . 2012 não está assim tão longe e os animais são os primeiros a sentir que algo está mal com o planeta. O mais provável é serem experiências feitas em estações militares secretas.

Monday, January 3

DIA 359:
Hackers. "The sexiest non-sex scene ever" and kind-of gross too, but beautiful - Repo Men - "sing it back to me". Now back to reality, imaginem alguém que conhecem com o tipo de cabelo do Joshua Jackson em Laramie Project. Quem quer que seja ficaria brutal xD

Sunday, January 2

DIA 358:
Fight Club. O Bo^no sofá, el é o único que amanhã não se tem de levantar cedo para ir para as aulas.

Saturday, January 1

DIA 357:
Skyline. primeiro de janeiro e estou de t-shirt na rua.